Phone: 717-422-6724
Learning To Tell A Compelling Story!
Dates: Every Saturday (1:00 PM-3:00 PM) Starting February 4th, 2023
Cost: $75.00/Person (Includes Materials)
Have you wanted to work on skill sets that would help you tell a compelling story? Do you feel your speeches could use an extra flair of speaking creativity, with vivid details and scene setting? This mini-class series is for you!
Join Your Speaking Voice Founder/Owner Joshua D. Smith who will walk you through a 4-week class to make your presentations incorporate vibrant stories and create more effective presentations overall!
This class will be offered to those who wish to attend our main offices at 1779 West Trindle Road AND on the Zoom platform. For more information, please click on the link to our flyer below.
To register, simply fill out the form to the right with your contact information and we will follow up with you to collect payment.